aposematic colouration enhances memory formation in domestic chicks trained in a weak passive avoidance learning paradigm.pdf
aposematic colouration enhances memory formation in domestic chicks trained in a weak passive avoidance learning paradigm
Does chemical aposematic (warning) signaling occur between host plants and their potential parasitic plants.pdf
Does chemical aposematic (warning) signaling occur between host plants and their potential parasitic plants
The shared and separate roles of aposematic (warning) coloration and the co-evolution hypothesis in defending autumn leaves.pdf
The shared and separate roles of aposematic (warning) coloration and the co-evolution hypothesis in defending autumn leaves
why distasteful butterflies have aposematic larvae and adults, but cryptic pupae evidence from predation experiments on the monarch and the european swallowtail.pdf
why distasteful butterflies have aposematic larvae and adults, but cryptic pupae evidence from predation experiments on the monarch and the european swallowtail
Strong antiapostatic selection against novel rare aposematic prey.pdf
↵ * To whom reprint requests should be addressed at: Department of Biological and Environmental Science, University of Jyväskylä, P.O. Box 35 (YAC413.1), FIN-40 351 Jyväskylä, Finland. E-mail: lilema{at}cc.jyu.fi.
A within-species warning function for an aposematic signal.pdf
A within-species warning function for an aposematic signal
survival of distasteful insects after being attacked by naive birds a reappraisal of the theory of aposematic coloration evolving through individual selection.pdf
survival of distasteful insects after being attacked by naive birds a reappraisal of the theory of aposematic coloration evolving through individual selection
contrast versus colour in aposematic signals.doc
contrast versus colour in aposematic signals
Aposematic (Warning) Coloration in Plants.pdf
Aposematic (Warning) Coloration in Plants

