do personality traits predict outcome of psychodynamically oriented psychosomatic inpatient treatment beyond initial symptoms.pdf
do personality traits predict outcome of psychodynamically oriented psychosomatic inpatient treatment beyond initial symptoms
journal of psychosomatic research, vol:身心医学研究杂志,卷. 19, pp. 375 to 383..pdf
journal of psychosomatic research, vol:身心医学研究杂志,卷. 19, pp. 375 to 383.
The Perspective of Psychosomatic Medicine on the Effect of Religion on the Mind-Body Relationship in Japan.pdf
The Perspective of Psychosomatic Medicine on the Effect of Religion on the Mind–Body Relationship in Japan
psychosomatic neurosis as expression of a barrier against:心身性神经症作为一种屏障的表达.pdf
psychosomatic neurosis as expression of a barrier against:心身性神经症作为一种屏障的表达
Antenatal psychosomatic programming to reduce postpartum depression risk and improve childbirth outcomes a randomized controlled trial in Spain and France.pdf
Antenatal psychosomatic programming to reduce postpartum depression risk and improve childbirth outcomes a randomized controlled trial in Spain and France
when work strain transcends psychological boundaries an inquiry into the relationship between time pressure, irritation, work-family conflict and psychosomatic complaints.pdf
when work strain transcends psychological boundaries an inquiry into the relationship between time pressure, irritation, work–family conflict and psychosomatic complaints
individual and contextual expressions of school demands and their relation to psychosomatic health a comparative study of students in france and sweden.pdf
individual and contextual expressions of school demands and their relation to psychosomatic health a comparative study of students in france and sweden
health-related quality of life, anxiety, and depression in bariatric surgery candidates compared to patients from a psychosomatic inpatient hospital.[.pdf
health-related quality of life, anxiety, and depression in bariatric surgery candidates compared to patients from a psychosomatic inpatient hospital.[

