a supervised method to discriminate between impostors and genuine in biometry.pdf
a supervised method to discriminate between impostors and genuine in biometry
数据挖掘_Case studies in biometry(生物统计学案例).pdf
The datasets in this collection came from the book CASE STUDIES IN BIOMETRY, by Nicholas Lange, Louise Ryan and Lynne Billard, David Brillinger, Loveday Conquest, Joel Greenhouse. The ".txt" files contain a complete description of the data.
Biometry of the Skull of Wild and Farm Long-tailed Chinchilla….pdf
Biometry of the Skull of Wild and Farm Long-tailed Chinchilla…
Ocular Biometry and Open-Angle Glaucoma The Los Angeles Latino Eye Study.pdf
Ocular Biometry and Open-Angle Glaucoma The Los Angeles Latino Eye Study
Fruit biometry and seed germination of Syagrus romanzoffiana (Cham.) Glassm.pdf
Fruit biometry and seed germination of Syagrus romanzoffiana (Cham.) Glassm
biometry of the muscular branches of the median nerve to the forearm.pdf
biometry of the muscular branches of the median nerve to the forearm
standardization of fetal ultrasound biometry measurements improving the quality and consistency of measurements.pdf
standardization of fetal ultrasound biometry measurements improving the quality and consistency of measurements
Scrotal-testicular biometry, sperm quality and quantity in rams (Ovis aries).pdf
Scrotal-testicular biometry, sperm quality and quantity in rams (Ovis aries)
The evaluation of cardiac biometry in major cardiac defects detected in early pregnancy.pdf
The evaluation of cardiac biometry in major cardiac defects detected in early pregnancy

