Optimal Investment in Precision Irrigation Systems A Dynamic Intraseasonal ApproachOptimal Investment in Precision Irrigation AAEA 2013.pdf
Optimal Investment in Precision Irrigation Systems A Dynamic Intraseasonal ApproachOptimal Investment in Precision Irrigation AAEA 2013Optimal Investment in Precision Irrigation Systems A Dynamic Intraseasonal ApproachOptimal Investment in Precision Irrigation AAEA 2013Optimal Investment in Precision Irrigation Systems A Dynamic Intraseasonal ApproachOptimal Investment in Precision Irrigation AAEA 2013
toward better intraseasonal and seasonal prediction verification and evaluation of the nogaps model forecasts(3.24mb).pdf
toward better intraseasonal and seasonal prediction verification and evaluation of the nogaps model forecasts(3.24mb)
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Simulations of the Tropical Intraseasonal Oscillation by the Atmospheric General Circulation Model of the Beijing Climate Centerthe,of
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simultaneous modulations of precipitation and temperature extremes in southern parts of china by the boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation
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intraseasonal oscillation of the south china sea summer monsoon and its influence on regionally persistent heavy rain over southern china
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on the differences in the intraseasonal rainfall variability between western and eastern central africa case of 10–25-day oscillations

