Assessment of exposure to soils contaminated with lead, cadmium, and arsenic near a zinc smelter, Cassiopee Study, France, 2008.pdf
Assessment of exposure to soils contaminated with lead, cadmium, and arsenic near a zinc smelter, Cassiopée Study, France, 2008
Micronucleus frequency in peripheral blood lymphocytes and buccal mucosa cells of copper smelter workers, with special regard to arsenic exposure.pdf
Micronucleus frequency in peripheral blood lymphocytes and buccal mucosa cells of copper smelter workers, with special regard to arsenic exposure
the effect of the hemochromatosis (hfe) genotype on lead load and iron metabolism among lead smelter workers.pdf
the effect of the hemochromatosis (hfe) genotype on lead load and iron metabolism among lead smelter workers
Spatial Trends of Trace-Element Contamination in Recently Deposited Lake Sediment Around the Ni-Cu Smelter at Nikel, Kola Peninsula, Russian Arctic.pdf
Spatial Trends of Trace-Element Contamination in Recently Deposited Lake Sediment Around the Ni–Cu Smelter at Nikel, Kola Peninsula, Russian Arctic
limitations of applying life cycle assessment through to complex co-product systems the case of an integrated precious metals smelter-refinery.pdf
limitations of applying life cycle assessment through to complex co-product systems the case of an integrated precious metals smelter-refinery
Persistent organic pollutants in white-tailed deer ( Odocoileus virginianus) near a magnesium smelter_ Spatial distribution and human health risk assessment.pdf
Persistent organic pollutants in white-tailed deer ( Odocoileus virginianus) near a magnesium smelter_ Spatial distribution and human health risk assessment

