Petrological and geochemical constraints on diagenesis and deep burial dissolution of the Ordovician carbonate reservoirs in the Tazhong area, Tarim Basin, NW China.pdf
- ResearchpaperPetrological geochemicalconstraints deepburialdissolution Ordoviciancarbonate reservoir
Sweet Spots Discrimination in Shale Gas Reservoirs Using Seismic and Well-logs Data. A Case Study from the Worth Basin in the Barnett Shale.pdf
- Sweet Spots Discrimination in Shale Gas Reservoirs Using Seismic and Well-logs Data. A Case Study from the Worth Basin in the Barnett Shale
(论文)孟加拉残留洋盆地形成过程与构造单元划分 Tectonic Evolution and Element Division of the Bengal Remnant Oceanic Basin.pdf
- (论文)孟加拉残留洋盆地形成过程与构造单元划分 Tectonic Evolution and Element Division of the Bengal Remnant Oceanic Basin
- Agencycost, top executives´ overconfidence, andinvestment-cash flowsensitivity Evidencefromlistedcompa
an updated age for the xujiayao hominin from the nihewan basin, north china implications for middle pleistocene human evolution in east asia.[2017].pdf
- an updated age for the xujiayao hominin from the nihewan basin, north china implications for middle pleistocene human evolution in east asia.[2017]
Unique clay assemblages in the Levant basin (Haifa Bay) subsurface reflect a land-sea transition zone and restricted environments throughout the last 1 m.y.pdf
- Uniqueclay assemblages Levantbasin (Haifa Bay) subsurfacereflect land–seatransition zone restricteden
Annot Sandstone in the Pe_ra Cava basin_ An example of an asymmetric facies distribution in a confined turbidite system (SE France).pdf
- ResearchpaperAnnot Sandstone PeraCava basin: anasymmetricfacies distribution confinedturbidite system
Trends of air pollution in the Western Mediterranean Basin from a 13-year database A research considering regional, suburban and urban environments in Mallorca (Balearic Islands).pdf
- airpollution WesternMediterranean Basin froma 13-year database: researchconsidering regional, suburb
Recap of the Joint Symposium of the 12th Annual Conference on Financial Economics and Accounting and the 9th Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, and Accounting, September 21 22, 2001.pdf
- The 12th Conference on Finance Economics and Accounting was held at Rutgers University, School of Business on September 21 22, <br />2001. The result was exciting and outstanding. This conference has become one of the most prestigious academic conferences in finance and accounting both nationally and internationally. See the attached program for the details of the two-day event. During the conference, we decided that the 13th conference on Finance Economics and Accounting will be held at the University of Maryland in October <br />2002. The 10th Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, and Accounting will be held at Nanyang Technological University in August <br />2002. The following is the fifteen-member executive committee (alphabetically), which coor- dinated the program: Stephen P. Baginski, Indiana University
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