Pn arrivals and lateral variations of Moho geometry beneath the Kaapvaal craton.pdf
Pn arrivals and lateral variations of Moho geometry beneath the Kaapvaal craton
Crustal heterogeneity beneath southwest Japan estimated from direct and Moho-reflected waves.pdf
Topography of the Moho and Conrad discontinuities in the Kyushu district, Southwest Japan.pdf
Topography of the Moho and Conrad discontinuities in the Kyushu district, Southwest Japan
Investigation of the Moho discontinuity beneath the Chinese mainland using deep seismic sounding profiles.pdf
Investigation of the Moho discontinuity beneath the Chinese mainland using deep seismic sounding profiles
testing robust inversion strategies for three-dimensional moho topography based on celebration 2000 data.pdf
testing robust inversion strategies for three-dimensional moho topography based on celebration 2000 data
Mapping the Moho with seismic surface waves A review, resolution analysis, and recommended inversion strategies.pdf
Mapping the Moho with seismic surface waves A review, resolution analysis, and recommended inversion strategies
Olivine fabric evolution in a hydrated ductile shear zone at the Moho Transition Zone, Oman Ophiolite.pdf
Olivine fabric evolution in a hydrated ductile shear zone at the Moho Transition Zone, Oman Ophiolite
Upper mantle S-velocity structure and Moho depth variations across Zagros belt, Arabian-Eurasian plate boundary.pdf
Upper mantle S-velocity structure and Moho depth variations across Zagros belt, Arabian–Eurasian plate boundary
Moho transition zone in the Cretaceous Andaman ophiolite, India A passage from the mantle to the crust.pdf
Moho transition zone in the Cretaceous Andaman ophiolite, India A passage from the mantle to the crust
Regional variation in Moho depth and Poisson's ratio beneath eastern China and its tectonic implications.pdf
Regional variation in Moho depth and Poisson’s ratio beneath eastern China and its tectonic implications

