Alternation of nest visits varies with experimentally manipulated workload in brood-provisioning great tits.pdf
Alternation of nest visits varies with experimentally manipulated workload in brood-provisioning great tits
Variation in host response to brood parasitism reflects evolutionary differences and not phenotypic plasticity.pdf
Variation in host response to brood parasitism reflects evolutionary differences and not phenotypic plasticity
Sexual conflict over parental care in a species with female and male brood desertion.pdf
Sexual conflict over parental care in a species with female and male brood desertion
Evolutionary change facultative virulence by brood parasites and tolerance and plastic resistance by hosts.pdf
Evolutionary change facultative virulence by brood parasites and tolerance and plastic resistance by hosts
Aggressive females seize central positions and show increased vigilance in brood-rearing coalitions of eiders.pdf
Aggressive females seize central positions and show increased vigilance in brood-rearing coalitions of eiders
Context-dependent response to eggs egg retrieval versus egg rejection in a conspecific brood parasite.pdf
Context-dependent response to eggs egg retrieval versus egg rejection in a conspecific brood parasite
Resistance is futile prohibitive costs of egg ejection in an obligate avian brood parasite host.pdf
Resistance is futile prohibitive costs of egg ejection in an obligate avian brood parasite host
Relationship between brood sex ratio and male ornaments depends on male age in a warbler.pdf
Relationship between brood sex ratio and male ornaments depends on male age in a warbler
Cooperative breeding in carrion crows reduces the rate of brood parasitism by great spotted cuckoos.pdf
Cooperative breeding in carrion crows reduces the rate of brood parasitism by great spotted cuckoos

