Experiences coding non-uniform parallelism using the CUDA.pdf
Experiences coding non-uniform parallelism using the CUDA
Non-uniform attacks against one-way functions and PRGs.pdf
Non-uniform attacks against one-way functions and PRGs
Accurate optical flow computation under non-uniform brightness….pdf
Accurate optical flow computation under non-uniform brightness…
Role of non-uniform channel doping in improving the nanoscale JL DG MOSFET reliability against the self-heating effects.pdf
Role of non-uniform channel doping in improving the nanoscale JL DG MOSFET reliability against the self-heating effects
dynamic rheology of a supercooled polymer melt in non-uniform oscillating flows in rapidly oscillating plates.pdf
dynamic rheology of a supercooled polymer melt in non-uniform oscillating flows in rapidly oscillating plates
An effective discrete differential evolution algorithm for scheduling uniform parallel batch processing machines with non-identical capacities and arbitrary job sizes.pdf
An effective discrete differential evolution algorithm for scheduling uniform parallel batch processing machines with non-identical capacities and arbitrary job sizesAn effective discrete differential evolution algorithm for scheduling uniform parallel batch processing machines with non-identical capacities and arbitrary job sizesAn effective discrete differential evolution algorithm for scheduling uniform parallel batch processing machines with non-identical capacities and arbitrary job sizes
on time-optimal trajectories in non-uniform mediums.pdf
on time-optimal trajectories in non-uniform mediums
Space of marked groups and non-uniform exponential growth.pdf
Space of marked groups and non-uniform exponential growth
on the non-uniform distribution of the angular elements of near-earth objects.pdf
on the non-uniform distribution of the angular elements of near-earth objects
General finite element description for non-uniform and discontinuous beam elements.pdf
General finite element description for non-uniform and discontinuous beam elements

