Influence of lanthanum stearate as a co-stabilizer on stabilization efficiency of calciumzinc stabilizers to polyvinyl chloride.pdf
Influence of lanthanum stearate as a co-stabilizer on stabilization efficiency of calciumzinc stabilizers to polyvinyl chloride
Effect of thermal stabilizers composed of zinc barbiturate and calcium stearate for rigid poly(vinyl chloride).pdf
Effect of thermal stabilizers composed of zinc barbiturate and calcium stearate for rigid poly(vinyl chloride)
The effect of the divalent metal on the intercalation capacity of stearate anions into layered double hydroxide nanolayers英文资料.pdf
The effect of the divalent metal on the intercalation capacity of stearate anions into layered double hydroxide nanolayers英文资料
resveratrol-loaded folic acid-grafted dextran stearate submicron particles exhibits enhanced antitumor efficacy in non-s.resveratrol-loaded叶酸acid-graft.pdf
resveratrol-loaded folic acid-grafted dextran stearate submicron particles exhibits enhanced antitumor efficacy in non-s.resveratrol-loaded叶酸acid-graft
Ethanol diversely alters palmitate, stearate and oleate metabolism in the liver and pancreas of rats using the deuterium oxide single tracer.pdf
Ethanol diversely alters palmitate, stearate and oleate metabolism in the liver and pancreas of rats using the deuterium oxide single tracer
Investigation of basic zinc cyanurate as a novel thermal stabilizer for poly(vinyl chloride) and its synergistic effect with calcium stearate.pdf
Investigation of basic zinc cyanurate as a novel thermal stabilizer for poly(vinyl chloride) and its synergistic effect with calcium stearate

