Vitamin E decreases endogenous cholesterol synthesis and apo-AI-mediated cholesterol secretion in Caco-2 cells英文资料.pdf
Vitamin E decreases endogenous cholesterol synthesis and apo-AI-mediated cholesterol secretion in Caco-2 cells英文资料
Localization of VE-cadherin in plasmalemmal cholesterol rich microdomains and the effects of cholesterol depletion on VE-cadherin mediated cell-cell adhesion.pdf
Localization of VE-cadherin in plasmalemmal cholesterol rich microdomains and the effects of cholesterol depletion on VE-cadherin mediated cell–cell adhesion
lateral sorting in til model membranes by cholesterol-mediated hydrophobic matching.pdf
lateral sorting in til model membranes by cholesterol-mediated hydrophobic matching
damage to liposomal lipids protection by antioxidants and cholesterol-mediated dehydration.pdf
damage to liposomal lipids protection by antioxidants and cholesterol-mediated dehydration
Hepatocyte free cholesterol lipotoxicity results from JNK1-mediated mitochondrial injury and is HMGB1 and TLR4-dependent.pdf
Hepatocyte free cholesterol lipotoxicity results from JNK1-mediated mitochondrial injury and is HMGB1 and TLR4-dependent
An albumin-mediated cholesterol design-based strategy for tuning siRNA pharmacokinetics and gene silencing.一个albumin-mediated胆固醇小干扰rna药物动.pdf
An albumin-mediated cholesterol design-based strategy for tuning siRNA pharmacokinetics and gene silencing.一个albumin-mediated胆固醇小干扰rna药物动
luteolin and quercetin affect do the cholesterol absorption mediated by epithelial cholesterol transporter niemann-pick c1-like 1 in caco-2 cells and rats.pdf
luteolin and quercetin affect do the cholesterol absorption mediated by epithelial cholesterol transporter niemann–pick c1-like 1 in caco-2 cells and rats
Cholesterol-dependent regulation of adenosine A2A receptor-mediated anion secretion in colon epithelial cells.pdf
Cholesterol-dependent regulation of adenosine A2A receptor-mediated anion secretion in colon epithelial cells

