云南个旧锡矿区大屯盆地土壤重金属污染与生态风险评价 Heavy metal pollution and ecological risk assessment of Datun basin in the Gejiu tin mining area, Yunnan Province.pdf
云南个旧锡矿区大屯盆地土壤重金属污染与生态风险评价 Heavy metal pollution and ecological risk assessment of Datun basin in the Gejiu tin mining area, Yunnan Province
基于Mann-Kendall检验的嘎呀河流域降水变化趋势及突变分析 Analysis of Precipitation Variation Trend and Abrupt Change in Gaya River Basin Based on Mann-Kendall Test.pdf
基于Mann-Kendall检验的嘎呀河流域降水变化趋势及突变分析 Analysis of Precipitation Variation Trend and Abrupt Change in Gaya River Basin Based on Mann-Kendall Test
电成像测井技术在塔里木盆地塔中地区鹰山组储层评价中的应用 Application Of FMI EMI Logging Technology In Tarim Basin Tazhong Area Yingshan Formation Reservoir Evaluation.pdf
地球|THEEARTH 期|地球地球0前言近年来海相碳酸盐岩油气勘探取得了重大的进展袁拥有巨大的油气资源潜力袁缝洞型储层的评价对于油气开发袁具有重要意义遥然而相对于碎屑岩成熟的测井评价而言袁 碳酸盐岩
Rapid organic matter sulfurization in sinking particles from the Cariaco Basin water column.pdf
Rapid organic matter sulfurization in sinking particles from the Cariaco Basin water column
Geochemistry applied to the watershed survey hydrograph separation, erosion and soil dynamics. A case study the basin of the Niger River, Africa.pdf
Geochemistryapplied watershedsurvey:hydrograph separation, erosion soildynamics.A case study: NigerR
Resiliency of Native American Women Basket Weavers from California, Great Basin, and the Southwest.pdf
Resiliency of Native American Women Basket Weavers from California, Great Basin, and the Southwest

向豆丁求助:有没有gonghe basin?
