Development of ICRF wall conditioning technique on divertor-type tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade and JET.pdf
Development of ICRF wall conditioning technique on divertor-type tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade and JET
selecting defining sources for the next icrf based on source structure(160.41kb).pdf
selecting defining sources for the next icrf based on source structure(160.41kb)
Digital real-time control for an ICRF fast ferrite tuning system on Alcator C-Mod.pdf
Digital real-time control for an ICRF fast ferrite tuning system on Alcator C-Mod
Performance of the Scattering Matrix Arc Detection System on the JET ITER-like ICRF antenna.pdf
Performance of the Scattering Matrix Arc Detection System on the JET ITER-like ICRF antenna
The longer life and high performance of lithium containing coatings developed by ICRF in the HT-7 superconducting tokamak.pdf
The longer life and high performance of lithium containing coatings developed by ICRF in the HT-7 superconducting tokamak
institute of physics radiofrequency power in plasmas proceedings of the 20th topical conference - sorrento, italy (25-28 june 2013)] - lhcd and icrf heating experiments in h-mode plasmas o...pdf
institute of physics radiofrequency power in plasmas proceedings of the 20th topical conference - sorrento, italy (25–28 june 2013)] - lhcd and icrf heating experiments in h-mode plasmas on east

