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Mechanisms of Suppression and Enhancement of PhotocurrentConversion Efficiency in Dye-Sensitized Solar-Cells Using Carotenoid and Chlorophyll Derivatives as Sensitizers
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Leaf Gas Exchange, Chlorophyll Fluorescence, and Fruit Yield in Hot Pepper (Capsicum anmuum L.) Grown Under Different Shade and Soil Moisture During the Fruit Growth Stage
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Computer Reconstruction of Plant Growth and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Emission in Three Spatial Dimensions
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Analysis of Cross-Seasonal Spectral Response from Kettle Holes Application of Remote Sensing Techniques for Chlorophyll Estimation
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II Introduction to chlorophyll fluorescence techniques②介绍叶绿素荧光技术论文 总结 英语 资料 ppt 文档 免费阅读 免费分享,如需请下载!
Doc-9GK91N;本文是“行业资料”中“园艺”的表格模板参考范文。正文共837字,word格式文档。内容摘要:产品说明,称取约新鲜植物叶片或其它绿色组织,去掉中脉,称取约,剪碎,用蒸馏水洗干净,加入1mL蒸馏水,少量试剂一(约50mg),在黑暗或弱光条件下充分研磨,转入10mL 玻璃试管,用提取液冲洗研钵,将所有冲洗液转入玻璃试管,用提取液定容至10mL,玻璃试管置于黑暗条件下或者包上锡箔纸浸提3h,观察试
