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九年级 英语 eading of Unit 教材 讲义 中考英语 外研版
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[城乡/园林规划]NEW TOWN the british experience

new towns: experience



 editor´s note  1 introduction: new towns in the modern world  2 - "the new town movement"  3 - land needs of new and old towns  administrative framework:4 - agencies and finance  5 - the government´s role  6 - the management task  regional and economic planning:7 - new towns in their regional context  8 - employment and population balance  9 - the growth of industry  the planning of new towns:10 - the master design; landscape; housing; the town centres         11 - changing goals in design: the milton keynes example 12 - shops and shopping 13 - social development "new towns to live in":14 - a consumer´s view 15 - new towns for whom? 16 - a select bibliography with some annotations notes on contributors appendix: new town statistics

editor´s note
the "new towns" in this book are the 34 towns being developed un
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George was a giant, the scruffiest giant in town. He always wore the ...Geor
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Executive power in poor areas of town and explore the healthy development of relations between villagers autonomy_13963

向豆丁求助:有没有the town?
