rapamycin blocks the antidepressant effect of ketamine in task-dependent manner.pdf.雷帕霉素块氯胺酮的抗抑郁效果task-dependent m.pdf
ORIGINALINVESTIGATIONRapamycin blocks antidepressanteffect ketamineintask-dependent mannerKristina H
rapid antidepressant effect of ketamine correlates with astroglial plasticity in the hippocampus.[2017][british journal .快速氯胺酮的抗抑郁效果与astroglial海马可塑性。[2.pdf
articlehas been accepted undergonefull peer review beenthrough copyediting,typesetting, pagination p
Antidepressant-like effects and mechanisms of flavonoids and related analogues.类黄酮的抗抑郁效果和机制和相关的类似物.pdf
ReviewarticleAntidepressant-like effects relatedanaloguesLi-PingGuan*, Bing-Yu LiuFood PharmacyColle
Involvement of nitric oxide-cyclic guanosine monophosphate pathway in the antidepressant-like effect of tropisetron and .oxide-cyclic鸟苷酸氮途径参与的抗抑郁效果trop.pdf
BehaviouralpharmacologyInvolvement nitricoxide-cyclic guanosine monophosphate pathwayin antidepressa
the antidepressant-like effect of chronic guanosine treatment is associated with increased hippocampal neuronal differen.慢性鸟苷治疗的抗抑郁效果与增加海马神经元分化有关.pdf
TRANSLATIONALNEUROSCIENCEThe antidepressant-like effect chronicguanosinetreatment increasedhippocamp
the role of medial prefrontal corticosterone and dopamine in the antidepressant-like effect of exercise.内侧前额叶皮质甾酮的作用和多巴胺的抗抑郁效果的运动.pdf
Psychoneuroendocrinology69 (2016) 1–9Contents lists available urnal ho me pa ge: www. el sevi er psy
Involvement of D1 and D2 dopamine receptors in the antidepressant-like effects of selegiline in maternal separation mode.D1和D2多巴胺受体参与的抗抑郁效果司立吉林孕产妇分离的小鼠.pdf
Involvement of D1 and D2 dopamine receptors in the antidepressant-like effects of selegiline in maternal separation mode.D1和D2多巴胺受体参与的抗抑郁效果司立吉林孕产妇分离的小鼠
role of hippocampal p11 in the sustained antidepressant effect of ketamine in the chronic unpredictable mild stress mode.海马侯在氯胺酮的抗抑郁效果持续慢性不可预知的轻微压力模型。[.pdf
role of hippocampal p11 in the sustained antidepressant effect of ketamine in the chronic unpredictable mild stress mode.海马侯在氯胺酮的抗抑郁效果持续慢性不可预知的轻微压力模型。[
