Dynamic and stable cohesins regulate synaptonemal complex assembly and chromosome segregation.pdf
- Dynamic and stable cohesins regulate synaptonemal complex assembly and chromosome segregation
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- Sister centromere fusion during meiosis I depends on maintaining cohesins and destabilizing microtubule attachments
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the roles of cohesins in mitosis, meiosis, and human health and disease在有丝分裂的cohesins,减数分裂的作用,与人类的健康和疾病.pdf
- the roles of cohesins in mitosis, meiosis, and human health and disease在有丝分裂的cohesins,减数分裂的作用,与人类的健康和疾病
The Use of Laser Microirradiation to Investigate the Roles of Cohesins in DNA Repair.pdf
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Cohesins and cohesin regulators in meiosis.pdf
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- nuclear import and export signals of human cohesins sa1stag1 and sa2stag2 expressed in saccharomyces cerevisiae
Cohesins localize with CTCF at the KSHV latency control region and at cellular c-myc and H19/Igf2 insulators.pdf
- William Stedman1, Hyojeung Kang1, Shu Lin2, Joseph L Kissil1, Marisa S Bartolomei2 and Paul M Lieberman1,*