Neutral Tones in Disyllabic Sequences Across Chinese Dialects: An OT Account.pdf
This thesis attempts to give an overview of neutral tone among Chinese dialects within the framework of Optimality Theory (OT). The following topics are discussed: (i) The Unmarked Value of Neutral Tone. This thesis tries to find out the unmarked value of neutral tone, and give an OT analysis of this unmarkedness. Analysis is also made on the difference between neutral tones and full tones in terms of unmarked value. (ii) Full-tone-related Neutral Tone and Long Neutral Tone. It is reported that in some dialects neutral tones are related to the full tone of the syllable concerned. In other dialects, neutral tones are reported to be long, rather than short. This paper tries to analyze these problems. (ii) Realization Patterns of Neutral Tone Values. Neutral tone values are divergent among dialects, with different realization patterns concerning the relationship between neutral tone and its neighboring tone. In this paper, I summarize three realization patterns with diffe
The productivity of variable disyllabic tone sandhi in Tianjin….pdf
The productivity of variable disyllabic tone sandhi in Tianjin…
1 Stress and the Development of Disyllabic Words in ....pdf
1 Stress and the Development of Disyllabic Words in ...
the productivity of variable disyllabic tone sandhi in tianjin chinese.pdf
the productivity of variable disyllabic tone sandhi in tianjin chinese
Spelling-sound consistency effects in disyllabic word naming英文资料.pdf
Spelling–sound consistency effects in disyllabic word naming英文资料
The Word-length Effect and Disyllabic Words-T H E Q UA RT.pdf
The Word-length Effect and Disyllabic Words-T H E Q UA RT
lexical and nonlexical print-to-sound translation of disyllabic words and nonwords.pdf
lexical and nonlexical print-to-sound translation of disyllabic words and nonwords
rimes and superrimes an exploration of children´s disyllabic rhyming skills.pdf
rimes and superrimes an exploration of children´s disyllabic rhyming skills
the word-length effect and disyllabic words:词长效应和双音词.pdf
the word-length effect and disyllabic words:词长效应和双音词

