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UnitTwo Unit Two Who Who’’s Afraid MathsAnyway MathsAnyway ?New Century English, Book NewCentury Eng
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第二册 Unit 9 what is intelligence anyway.ppt
[英语学习]第二册 Unit 9 what is intelligence anyway

what is intelligence, anyway? isaac asimov

• • • • background information reading comprehension text analysis exercises

isaac asimov
• 1920-1992 russianborn american writer, former professor of biochemistry at boston university school of medicine, and author of more than 200 books.

the iq, or the intelligence test
• a standardized test used to establish an intelligence level rating by measuring an individual’s ability to form concepts, solve problems, acquire information, reason, and perform other intellectual operations generally following such standards:

below 85 85-100

120-130 above 130

retardation 智力障碍 average intelligence 智力平常 bright-average intelligence 智力优秀 intellectually superior 智力超常 intellectually very superior 智力非常超常

aptitude test
• an aptitude test is any of a variety of tests which are used to predict how successfully an individual wil
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So what are blogs anyway - University of Missouri–St. Louis

