商务英语原文--12 Ways to Maximize the Return on your Marketing.txt
The easiest way to waste your business time is by starting completely afresh every time you need something new – whether it´s a sales letter, presentation script or content for your website.
商务英语原文--The Secret to Getting Your Office Schedule on Track Revealed in 5 Simple Steps.txt
Six Sigma projects are strategy-driven, in the same way that the portfolio is driven by organizational strategy. So, how do the business drivers that are at work result in some projects being Six Sigma projects, and others not?
商务英语原文--Use These Tips to Save Money on your Car Insurance.txt
When it comes to car insurance, if you are like me and reside in NJ then you already know of the crazy high rates, choice of companies and the headaches that go along with it.
金融英语原文--A Lesson on How to Handle your Coins.txt
One thing that people seem to do with their coins is to overly handle them. No matter how clean you think your hands are if you touch the coin on its face you´ll be leaving fingerprints on it. There are also natural oils on your hands which you won´t even notice in the general course of things but which will also contribute to the degradation of the coin.
商务英语原文--How to Avoid Failure on your Ebay Auctions.txt
Many first time sellers have one thing in common, they fail. Many of them fail time and time again, never understanding what is going wrong. They do hours of research looking for the perfect item to sell, get the auction set up, and wait for the bidding to begin. Hours go by and no bids are placed. Days go by, and there are still no bids, or there are very low bids. Finally the auction ends, and it turns out to be a total failure. Considering the huge number of sellers who run eBay auctions, there are&
商务英语原文--The Scoop On How To Start Running Your Own Internet Business.txt
In today´s world of e-commerce, the prospect of running your own internet business is very good. Many online businesses fail because the owner thinks all they have to do is provide goods or services that are in demand. While that plays a large role, it is not enough. It is still very important to get interest in your goods or services as well as make the final sell.
商务英语原文--How to Recoup your Investment On a Fixer-upper Home.txt
Greg has lived in the suburbs for 5 years. During this time, the family has moved 3 times with the home being much larger than the previous one. Some friends think he won the lottery. Others speculate there was a huge inheritance from a wealthy relative. When Greg was asked how this was possible, the answer was simple, buy and sell.

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