0013_Writing for Fun(快乐写作)_I become a Happy Learner in M (1).txt
HappyLearner MyNew Writing Class primaryschool, likedwriting class best. hearmy pieces being read wh
商务英语原文--How to Become a Translator.txt
Perhaps you are a student in college trying to determine what major to take. Or you are in high school thinking about what you might like to do for a living. Or you are thirty years old, ready for a career change, wondering if your fluency in French can do anything for you.
商务英语原文--Become a Master of Graphic Design.txt
Graphic design is a creative process that combines art and technology to communicate ideas. It is the process of communicating visually using typography and images to present information, usually used whenever visual intricacy and creativity are needed to present text and imagery. It can also be applied to the layout and formatting of educational material to make the information more accessible and more easily understood.
商务英语原文--Become a Fashion Designer.txt
You know you´re destined to be a fashion designer if you: a) spent most of your childhood making clothes for your Barbie dolls instead of playing with your friends; b) read fashion magazines instead of your school books; c) ran a boutique out of your basement at age 10. In other words: if you want to be the next Yves Saint Laurent, it helps to be completely and utterly obsessed with fashion.
商务英语原文--Become a Better Business Person.txt
Let me ask you this... What makes a successful business owner?Well for me, a successful business owner is someone that earns well into six figures or more each year from their business, working around 3 to 4 days (or less) per week.
商务英语原文--How to Become an Effective and Engaging Public Speaker as Well as a Strong Communicator.txt
You are an expert in your field and have great experience working for XYZ companies and maybe your own business.As guest speaker however, you now find that despite your expertise and the importance of your talk, your audience seems uninterested; even slightly confused. Here lies the big difference between knowing a subject matter well and communicating it to others effectively.
商务英语原文--Should a Woman Become a Franchisee?.txt
Years ago people believed that a woman´s place was in the home. She should take care of the house, her husband and her children. Women were not thought of as being in a workplace. Things have changed a lot and even though a select few may think women don´t belong in the work place, women are proving them wrong. Not only are women in the work place, they are starting and running their own businesses. To add to that many women are running successful business and supporting themselves and their families. One of&n
商务英语原文--How to Become a Successful Network Marketer.txt
Success in network marketing is assured through the right kind of attitude and hard work. If someone tells you that network marketing is a get-rich-quick business, which normally is how this business is projected to gain new memberships, ignore that person. Network marketing is serious business, and is not going to earn you the millions by working just 2 hours a day, as you may be told. So, before you make up your mind to enter this business, be prepared to work hard to build a strong base of network marketers under you.
商务英语原文--How to become a Consultant in your Profession.txt
You may publish this article in your ezine, newsletter on your web site as long as the byline is included and the article is included in it´s entirety. I also ask that you
商务英语原文--Small Business Coaching Are You Ready To Become A Success Story?.txt
Small business coaching is hot. A few years ago the only coaches anyone talked about were sports coaches. But today, PriceWaterhouseCoopers estimates that there are 30,000 business and life coaches worldwide.

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