商务英语原文--Uses for a Vkb Side Seal Automated Strapping Machine.txt
An automated strapping system can be a very useful addition to any business that requires packaging of a variety of different materials. Producers without automatic strapping systems may find that their bottom line is compromised through excess waste and labor dollars spent, and that the strapping provided by an automated system meets specific standards set out, every time.
seal credo--海豹部队信念.txt
seal credo--海豹部队信念
商务英语原文--Company Seal that deal - literally.txt
A company seal is a device commonly supplied by Company Formation Agents when registering new companies for clients. The company seal offers a way of embossing documents with the company name and number as a way of sealing the document. This seal is often used in place of signatures of the authorised representatives of the company.
商务英语原文--Create Your Own Corporate Seal.txt
Have you been wondering what is lacking when you send out certificates or communications with other businesses or individuals? You may be lacking a corporate seal. Many businesses do not have these, as some consider them out of date and don´t really see a purpose for them, but they are a nice element to add to certificates and things of that sort. While you may be wondering where you get something like this made, you don´t have to wonder any more.
[介绍]第七封印 The Seventh Seal 1957.txt
精品PPT模板 .ThemeGalleryPPT-Wmzhe[介绍]第七封印 The Seventh Seal 1957.
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密封-O型圈 Seal O-Ring管道 Tubing进口报关代理清关-.txt
SealO-Ring 管道 Tubing 进口报关代理清关- 密封O SealO-Ring 管道 Tubing 进口报关代理清关 进口产品主要有:密封O SealO-Ring 管道 Tubing 进口

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