专题 【动漫发烧友】一起来High吧!
还记得小时候,那风靡一时的连环画么现在他们正在淡出我们的视线,取而代之的是动漫,其中尤以日本动漫最为出名。本专题收集各类型的动漫供用户免费阅读,为广大动漫发烧友提供一个交流和分享的平台。 动漫 漫画 童话 AC
Screw Theory Applied to Statics and Kinematics
Screw Theory Applied to Statics and Kinematics
Screw theory refers to the algebra and calculus of pairs of vectors, such as forces and moments and angular and linear velocity, that arise in the kinematics and dynamics of rigid bodies....
  • 创建人: 可風
  • 2011-10-26 11:36
  • 浏览9448
  • 收藏1

向豆丁求助:有没有To Cherish - Hugs And High Fives?
