Diagnostic accuracy of fourth-generation ARCHITECT HIV AgAb Combo assay and utility of signal-to-cutoff ratio to predict false-positive HIV tests in pregnancy.pdf
Diagnostic accuracy of fourth-generation ARCHITECT HIV AgAb Combo assay and utility of signal-to-cutoff ratio to predict false-positive HIV tests in pregnancy
sample-to-cutoff ratios using architect hiv agab combo the influence with the results of supplemental tests and optimal cutoff value to predict hiv.pdf
sample-to-cutoff ratios using architect hiv agab combo the influence with the results of supplemental tests and optimal cutoff value to predict hiv
architect hiv combo agab(r) and realtime(r) hiv-1 assays detect diverse hiv strains in clinical specimens.[2017][aids res hum retroviruses][10.1089.pdf
architect hiv combo agab(r) and realtime(r) hiv-1 assays detect diverse hiv strains in clinical specimens.[2017][aids res hum retroviruses][10.1089
comparative evaluation of three fda-approved hiv agab combination tests using a genetically diverse hiv panel and diagnostic specimens.[2017][j cli.pdf
comparative evaluation of three fda-approved hiv agab combination tests using a genetically diverse hiv panel and diagnostic specimens.[2017][j cli
performance evaluation of the fda-approved determine hiv-12 agab combo assay using plasma and whole blood specimens.[2017][j clin virol][10.1016j.jcv.pdf
performance evaluation of the fda-approved determine hiv-12 agab combo assay using plasma and whole blood specimens.[2017][j clin virol][10.1016j.jcv
evaluation of dried blood spot protocols with the bio-rad gs hiv combo agab eia and geenius hiv 12 supplemental assay.[2017][j clin virol][10.1016j.jc.pdf
evaluation of dried blood spot protocols with the bio-rad gs hiv combo agab eia and geenius hiv 12 supplemental assay.[2017][j clin virol][10.1016j.jc
Performance of an alternative HIV diagnostic algorithm using the ARCHITECT HIV AgAb Combo assay and potential utility of sample-to-cutoff ratio to discriminate primary from established infection.pdf
Performance of an alternative HIV diagnostic algorithm using the ARCHITECT HIV AgAb Combo assay and potential utility of sample-to-cutoff ratio to discriminate primary from established infection

