大兴安岭山脉对寒潮天气过程的影响 Effect of Cold Wave Weather Process in Daxing´an Mountain Range.pdf
大兴安岭山脉对寒潮天气过程的影响 Effect of Cold Wave Weather Process in Daxing´an Mountain Range
大兴安岭塔河典型林分可燃物载量估算 estimation on the forest fuel load of typical forest types in tahe of daxing' an mountain.pdf
大兴安岭塔河典型林分可燃物载量估算 estimation on the forest fuel load of typical forest types in tahe of daxing’ an mountain
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大兴安岭盘古林场森林健康评价与分析 assessment and analysis on forest health of pangu forest farm in daxing’anling mountains of china
黑龙江大兴安岭雷击火概率预测模型研究 a preliminary study on lightning-caused ifre probability prediction model for daxing'anling forest region.pdf
Vol.34 No. 8Aug. 2014第34 CentralSouth University Technology收稿日期:2013-11-30基金项目:国家林业局948引进项目(2008-4-5
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大兴安岭白桦低质林皆伐改造后枯落物水文效应 Hydrological Effect of Birch Coppice Low-Quality Forest Litter after Clear-cutting Transformation in Daxing’ an Mountains
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大兴安岭白桦低质林改造后土壤肥力的综合评价1) compreh ensive evla uation of soil fre tility of white birch low-quality forest stands in daxing’ an mountain range after induced transformation
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大兴安岭地区南北部幼中龄林碳储量研究 carbon storage of young and middle age forest in south and north daxing’anling mountains
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不同诱导改造后大兴安岭蒙古栎低质林土壤养分的灰色关联评价1) grey correlation evaluation of soil nutrients to quercus mongolica low-quality forest in daxing’an mountains after different induced transformation

