combinations of mutations in envz, ftsi, mrda, acrb and acrr can cause high-level carbapenem resistance in escherichia c.的突变组合envz ftsi,mrda,acrb acrr会.pdf
- combinations of mutations in envz, ftsi, mrda, acrb and acrr can cause high-level carbapenem resistance in escherichia c.的突变组合envz ftsi,mrda,acrb acrr会
differential repositioning of the second transmembrane helices from e. coli tar and envz upon moving the flanking aromatic residues.pdf
- differential repositioning of the second transmembrane helices from e. coli tar and envz upon moving the flanking aromatic residues
The inner membrane histidine kinase EnvZ senses osmolality via helix-coil transitions in the cytoplasm.pdf
- The inner membrane histidine kinase EnvZ senses osmolality via helix-coil transitions in the cytoplasm
Phosphorylation of OmpR by the osmosensor EnvZ modulates….pdf
- Proc.Nati. Acad. Sci. USAVol. 86, pp. 6052-6056, August 1989BiochemistryPhosphorylation osmosensorEn
EnvZ is not essential for the upregulation of OmpC following….pdf
- EnvZ is not essential for the upregulation of OmpC following…