Human GNPTAB stuttering mutations engineered into mice cause vocalization deficits and astrocyte pathology in the corpus callosum.pdf
Human GNPTAB stuttering mutations engineered into mice cause vocalization deficits and astrocyte pathology in the corpus callosum
Compound heterozygous GNPTAB mutations cause mucolipidosis II or III alphabeta in two Chinese families.pdf
Compound heterozygous GNPTAB mutations cause mucolipidosis II or III alphabeta in two Chinese families
Mucolipidosis II and III alphabeta in Brazil Analysis of the GNPTAB gene.pdf
Mucolipidosis II and III alphabeta in Brazil Analysis of the GNPTAB gene
Mucolipidosis in a Chinese family with compound heterozygous mutations at the GNPTAB gene.pdf
Mucolipidosis in a Chinese family with compound heterozygous mutations at the GNPTAB gene
mucolipidosis type ii αβ with a homozygous missense mutation in the gnptab gene.pdf
mucolipidosis type ii αβ with a homozygous missense mutation in the gnptab gene
a novel intermediate mucolipidosis iiiiiαβ caused by gnptab mutation in the cytosolic n-terminal domain.pdf
a novel intermediate mucolipidosis iiiiiαβ caused by gnptab mutation in the cytosolic n-terminal domain
a compound heterozygous lt;em gt;gnptab lt;em gt; mutation causes mucolipidosis ii with marked hair color change in a han chinese baby.pdf
a compound heterozygous
华东地区粘脂贮积症ii、iii型患者gnptab基因突变临床鉴别 ppt课件.ppt
华东地区粘脂贮积症ii、iii型患者gnptab基因突变临床鉴别 ppt课件
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Exome sequencing for mucolipidosis III Detection of a novel GNPTAB gene mutation in a patient with a very mild phenotype.pdf
Exome sequencing for mucolipidosis III Detection of a novel GNPTAB gene mutation in a patient with a very mild phenotype

