Hα diagnostics of (post)-flare loops based on narrow-band filtergram observations.pdf
Hα diagnostics of (post)-flare loops based on narrow-band filtergram observations
A Deep Hubble Space Telescope H-Band Imaging Survey of Massive….pdf
A Deep Hubble Space Telescope H-Band Imaging Survey of Massive…
near-infrared classification spectroscopy h-band spectra of fundamental mk standards.pdf
near-infrared classification spectroscopy h-band spectra of fundamental mk standards
Evidence for J and H-band excess in classical T Tauri stars and the implications for disk str.pdf
We argue that classical T Tauri stars (cTTs) possess significant non- nphotospheric excess in the J and H bands. We first show that normalizing the nspectral energy distributions (SEDs) of cTTs to the J-band leads to a poor fit nof the optical fluxes, while normalizing the SEDs to the Ic-band produces a nbetter fit to the optical bands and in many cases reveals the presence of a nconsiderab..
H 229;llfasthetsvariationer i band 228;nde hos varmvalsade….pdf
H-adaptive mesh refinement for shear band localization in elasto-plasticity Cosserat continuum.pdf
H-adaptive mesh refinement for shear band localization in elasto-plasticity Cosserat continuum
hubble space telescope h-band imaging survey of massive gas-rich mergers.pdf
hubble space telescope h-band imaging survey of massive gas-rich mergers
1.65 micron h-band surface photometry of galaxies. x structural and dynamical properties of elliptical galaxies.pdf
1.65 micron h-band surface photometry of galaxies. x structural and dynamical properties of elliptical galaxies

