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nutrition and hemofiltration

department of anesthesiology and intensive care, university hospital of bordeaux, france1 department of anesthesiology and intensive care, university hospital of bordeaux, france

joannes-boyau o joannes-boyau o

nutrition needs in icu

resting energy expenditure (ree)

male: (665.5 + 13.8 x weight) + (5.0 x height) - (6.8 x age) female: (665.1 + 9.6 x weight) + (1.8 x height) - (4.7 x age)

15 – 25 kcal/kg/j in normal range 25 – 35 kcal/kg/j in icu (stress period)

nutrition needs in icu
ree (kcal x min-1 x 1.73 m-2) arf + sepsis 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 p < 0.05 controls arf

* energy metabolism is determined by additional complications (sepsis, …) and not by arf itfself.<br/
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reading horace in 1490s padua willibald pirckheimer, joannes calphurnius and raphael regius
Graaf, Jacobus Joannes - Nederlandsche Doopnamen _ Naar Oorsprong.epub
Graaf, Jacobus Joannes - Nederlandsche Doopnamen _ Naar OorsprongGraaf, Jacobus Joannes - Nederlandsche Doopnamen _ Naar OorsprongGraaf, Jacobus Joannes - Nederlandsche Doopnamen _ Naar Oorsprong

