Subhertz-linewidth Nd - YAG laser.pdf
- Vol.29, No. 13 OPTICSLETTERS 1497Subhertz-linewidth Nd:YAG laserStephen A. Webster, Mark Oxborrow, P
Plasmonic Focusing Reduces Ensemble Linewidth of Silver ….pdf
- PlasmonicFocusing Reduces EnsembleLinewidth Silver-CoatedGoldNanorodsJan Becker,†Inga Zins,†Arpad Ja
Linewidth and Phase Noise:线宽和相位噪声.pdf
- Linewidth and Phase Noise:线宽和相位噪声线宽,相位,与,相位噪声,phase,noise,and,线宽和,相位噪音,相位噪声
Narrow-linewidth photonic crystal fiber laser with DBR construction.pdf
- Narrow-linewidth photonic crystal fiber laser with DBR constructionNarrow-linewidth photonic crystal fiber laser with DBR constructionNarrow-linewidth photonic crystal fiber laser with DBR construction
SBS suppression and acoustic management for high-power narrow-linewidth fiber.pdf
- SBS suppression and acoustic management for high-power narrow-linewidth fiberSBS suppression and acoustic management for high-power narrow-linewidth fiberSBS suppression and acoustic management for high-power narrow-linewidth fiber
Narrow-linewidth master-oscillator power amplifier based on a semiconductor tapered amplifier.pdf
- Narrow-linewidth master-oscillator power amplifier based on a semiconductor tapered amplifier
Andrew C. Wilson, Johnathan C. Sharpe, Callum R. McKenzie, Peter J. Manson, and
Donald M. Warrington
The output of a grating-stabilized external-cavity diode laser was injected into a semiconductor tapered
amplifier in a master-oscillator power amplifier configuration, producing as much as 500 mW of power
with narrow linewidth. The additional linewidth that is due to the tapered amplifier is much smaller
than the typical linewidth of grating-stabilized laser diodes. To demonstrate the usefulness of the
narrow linewidth and high output power, we used the system to perform Doppler-free two-photon
spectroscopy with rubidium.
Calculation of spectral linewidth reduction of external-cavity strong-feedback semiconductor lasers.pdf
- Calculation of spectral linewidth reduction of external-cavity strong-feedback semiconductor lasers
Haiyin Sun, Steve Menhart, and Alois Adams
It is shown that, to calculate the spectral linewidth reduction of an external-cavity semiconductor laser
with strong external feedback, the complex laser field equation and the general linewidth-reduction
equations must be modified to avoid inconsistencies. The resulting set of consistent equations and the
consequent consistent linewidth reductions are discussed
High-finesse F-P cavity external optical feedback narrow linewidth diode laser.pdf
- High-finesse F-P cavity external optical feedback narrow linewidth diode laserHigh-finesse F-P cavity external optical feedback narrow linewidth diode laserHigh-finesse F-P cavity external optical feedback narrow linewidth diode laser
Derivation of the Schawlow Townes Linewidth of Lasers:激光器的肖洛汤斯线宽的推导.pdf
- Derivation of the Schawlow Townes Linewidth of Lasers:激光器的肖洛汤斯线宽的推导论文 总结 英语 资料 ppt 文档 免费阅读 免费分享,如需请下载!