脂质体:制药学纳载体Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol 605:Liposomes-Methods and Protocols, Vol 1:Pharmaceutical Nanocarriers(2010).pdf
- ProtocolsVolume PharmaceuticalNanocarriersEdited byVolkmar WeissigDepartment PharmaceuticalSciences,
pH-sensitive liposomes: acid-induced liposome fusion.pdf
- Sonicated unilamellar liposomes containing phosphatidylethanolamine and palmitoylhomocysteine fuse rapidly when the medium pH is lowered from 7 to 5. Liposome fusion was demonstrated by (i) mixing of the liposomal lipids as shown by resonance energy transfer, (ii) gel filtration, and (iii) electron microscopy. The pH-sensitive fusion of liposomes was observed only when palmitoylhomocysteine (gre..
Filter extrusion of liposomes using different devices….pdf
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pH gradient loading of anthracyclines into cholesterol-free liposomes.pdf
- pH gradient loading of anthracyclines into cholesterol-free liposomespH gradient loading of anthracyclines into cholesterol-free liposomespH gradient loading of anthracyclines into cholesterol-free liposomes
Liposomes and virosomes as delivery systems for antigens, nucleic acids and drugs.pdf
- deliverysystems antigens,nucleicacids drugsDianaFelnerova, Jean-Franc ois Viret, Reinhard Glu ck Chr
Uptake of liposomes by cultured mouse bone marrow macrophages influence of liposome composition and size.pdf
- Biochimicaet Biophysica Acta, 1061 O991) 56=64 199IElsevier Science Publishers B.V. (Biomedical Divi
Preparation and the in-vivo evaluation of paclitaxel liposomes for lung targeting delivery in dogs.pdf
- in-vivoevaluation lungtargeting delivery dogsjphp_118480..86LingZhaoa, Yun Yea, Juan Lib Yu-mengWeia
Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of multivalent glucosides with high affinity as ligands for brain targeting liposomes.pdf
- Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of multivalent glucosides with high affinity as ligands for brain targeting liposomes