脂质体:制药学纳载体Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol 605:Liposomes-Methods and Protocols, Vol 1:Pharmaceutical Nanocarriers(2010).pdf
ProtocolsVolume PharmaceuticalNanocarriersEdited byVolkmar WeissigDepartment PharmaceuticalSciences,
pH-sensitive liposomes: acid-induced liposome fusion.pdf
Sonicated unilamellar liposomes containing phosphatidylethanolamine and palmitoylhomocysteine fuse rapidly when the medium pH is lowered from 7 to 5. Liposome fusion was demonstrated by (i) mixing of the liposomal lipids as shown by resonance energy transfer, (ii) gel filtration, and (iii) electron microscopy. The pH-sensitive fusion of liposomes was observed only when palmitoylhomocysteine (gre..
Filter extrusion of liposomes using different devices….pdf
Filter extrusion of liposomes using different devices…
pH gradient loading of anthracyclines into cholesterol-free liposomes.pdf
pH gradient loading of anthracyclines into cholesterol-free liposomespH gradient loading of anthracyclines into cholesterol-free liposomespH gradient loading of anthracyclines into cholesterol-free liposomes
Liposomes and virosomes as delivery systems for antigens, nucleic acids and drugs.pdf
deliverysystems antigens,nucleicacids drugsDianaFelnerova, Jean-Franc ois Viret, Reinhard Glu ck Chr
Uptake of liposomes by cultured mouse bone marrow macrophages influence of liposome composition and size.pdf
Biochimicaet Biophysica Acta, 1061 O991) 56=64 199IElsevier Science Publishers B.V. (Biomedical Divi
Preparation and the in-vivo evaluation of paclitaxel liposomes for lung targeting delivery in dogs.pdf
in-vivoevaluation lungtargeting delivery dogsjphp_118480..86LingZhaoa, Yun Yea, Juan Lib Yu-mengWeia
Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of multivalent glucosides with high affinity as ligands for brain targeting liposomes.pdf
Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of multivalent glucosides with high affinity as ligands for brain targeting liposomes

