when jessie came across the sea:当杰西穿过大海.pdf
Variation in the frequency of tool use across and within sea otter (Enhydra lutris) populations.pdf
Variation in the frequency of tool use across and within sea otter (Enhydra lutris) populations
Seismic expression of gas and gas hydrates across the western Black Sea.pdf
This study is a synthesis of gas-related features in recent sediments across the western Black Sea basin. The investigation is based on an extensive seismic dataset, and integrates published information from previous local studies. Our data reveal widespread occurrences of seismic facies indicating free gas in sediments and gas escape in the water column.
Contrasting fluvial styles across the mid-Pleistocene climate transition in the northern shelf of the South China Sea Evidence from 3D seismic data.pdf
Contrastingfluvial styles across mid-Pleistoceneclimate transitionin northernshelf SouthChina Sea: Ev
Voting Across the Sea The Politics of French Nationals in….pdf
Voting Across the Sea The Politics of French Nationals in…
Short-term fate of phytodetritus across the Arabian Sea Oxygen Minimum Zone.pdf
Short-term fate of phytodetritus across the Arabian Sea Oxygen Minimum Zone
Atmospheric conditions facilitate mass migration events across the North Sea.pdf
Atmospheric conditions facilitate mass migration events across the North Sea
Weather and fuel reserves determine departure and flight decisions in passerines migrating across the Baltic Sea.pdf
Weather and fuel reserves determine departure and flight decisions in passerines migrating across the Baltic Sea
industry relocation, linkages and spillovers across the baltic sea extending the footloose capital model.pdf
industry relocation, linkages and spillovers across the baltic sea extending the footloose capital model

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