Ultralow-noise mode-locked laser with coupled optoelectronic oscillator configuration.pdf
- Ultralow-noise mode-locked laser with coupled optoelectronic oscillator configuration
Nan Yu, Ertan Salik, and Lute Maleki
We describe simultaneous generation of ultralow-noise optical pulses and microwave signal with a modelocked
fiber laser in a coupled optoelectronic oscillator configuration. We demonstrate 9.2-GHz optical and
microwave signals with the measured phase noise of −140 dBc/Hz at 10-kHz offset frequency. We show that
the mode-locked laser in the photonic oscillator serves as a high-Q filter and is responsible for the observed
low phase noise.
77-fs pulse generation from a stretched-pulse mode-locked all-fiber ring laser.pdf
- 77-fs pulse generation from a stretched-pulse mode-locked all-fiber ring laser77-fs pulse generation from a stretched-pulse mode-locked all-fiber ring laser77-fs pulse generation from a stretched-pulse mode-locked all-fiber ring laser
Switchable Dual-Wavelength and Passively Mode-Locked All-Normal-Dispersion Yb-Doped Fiber Lasers.pdf
- 956IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, VOL. 23, NO. 14, JULY 15, 2011Switchable Dual-Wavelength Passi
2007-ASSP-54 W, 150 MHz, Passively Mode-Locked TEM00 NdYVO4 Oscillator Pumped at 888 nm.pdf
- 150MHz, passively Mode-LockedTEM00Nd:YVO4Oscillator pumped 888nmLouis Mc Donagh, Christian Theobald,
LD side-pumped high beam quality passive Q-switched and mode-locked Nd:YAG laser based on SESAM.pdf
- LD side-pumped high beam quality passive Q-switched and mode-locked Nd:YAG laser based on SESAM
2007-OSA-111W, 110 MHz repetition-rate, passively mode-locked TEM00 NdYVO4 master oscillator power amplifier pumped at 888 nm.pdf
- 110MHz repetition-rate, passivelymode-locked TEM00Nd: YVO4master oscillatorpower amplifier pumped 888
investigation of pulsed coherent injection locking of a mode-locked laser.pdf
- investigation of pulsed coherent injection locking of a mode-locked laser
multiwave-mode-locked solid-state lasers with up to 100 ghz, applied in a novel broadband telecom source_1.pdf
- multiwave-mode-locked solid-state lasers with up to 100 ghz, applied in a novel broadband telecom source_1