Rupelian (Middle Oligocene fis) h otoliths from the clay pit….pdf
v.Hinsbergh, Rupelian fish otoliths from Winterswijk, Scripta Geol. 46 (1978) Rupelian(Middle Oligoc
From 'Omics to Otoliths Establishing Menidia Species as Bioindicators of Estrogenic and Androgenic.pdf
From ‘Omics to Otoliths Establishing Menidia Species as Bioindicators of Estrogenic and Androgenic
The Santa Barbara Basin Fish Assemblage in the Last Two Millennia Inferred from Otoliths in Sediment.pdf
The Santa Barbara Basin Fish Assemblage in the Last Two Millennia Inferred from Otoliths in Sediment
From 'Omics to Otoliths Establishing Menidia Species as Bioindicators of Estrogenic and Androgenic Endocrine Disruption.pdf
From ‘Omics to Otoliths Establishing Menidia Species as Bioindicators of Estrogenic and Androgenic Endocrine Disruption
The Santa Barbara Basin Fish Assemblage in the Last Two Millennia Inferred from Otoliths in Sediment Cores.pdf
The Santa Barbara Basin Fish Assemblage in the Last Two Millennia Inferred from Otoliths in Sediment Cores
Catalog of Otoliths of Select Fishes from the California Current System(加州现行系统精选鱼类耳石目录).pdf
Catalog of Otoliths of Select Fishes from the California Current System(加州现行系统精选鱼类耳石目录)
Introduction to Otoliths and Fisheries in the Tropics.pdf
Chapter7Biochemical BiofuelsVenkateshBalan, Sandeep Kumar, Bryan Bals, Shishir Chundawat,Mingjie Jin
Bioaccumulation of mining derived metals in blood, liver, muscle and otoliths of two Arctic predatory fish species (Gadus ogac and Myoxocephalus sc.pdf
Contentslists available ScienceDirectEnvironmentalResearchjournal homepage: /locate/
Temporal, spatial, and interspecific variation in geochemical signatures within fish otoliths, bivalve larval shells, and crustacean larvae.pdf
MARINEECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIESMar Ecol Prog SerVol. 473: 133–148, 2013doi: 10.3354/meps10078Published

