the frequency, aqueous solution, stress amplitude,temperature (fast) machine a device proposed for accelerated fatigue testing of cortical bone.pdf
the frequency, aqueous solution, stress amplitude,temperature (fast) machine a device proposed for accelerated fatigue testing of cortical bone
radiomics for classification of bone mineral loss_ a machine learning study.[2020][diagn interv imaging].pdf
radiomics for classification of bone mineral loss_ a machine learning study.[2020][diagn interv imaging]
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Temporal bone radiology report classification using open source machine learning and natural langue processing libraries
bone texture analysis for prediction of incident radiographic hip osteoarthritis using machine learning data from the cohort hip and cohort knee (c.pdf
Bonetexture analysis incidentradiographic hiposteoarthritis using machine learning: data from Cohort
Exploiting machine learning for predicting skeletal-related events in cancer patients with bone metastases.利用机器学习预测skeletal-related事件在癌症骨.pdf
Exploiting machine learning for predicting skeletal-related events in cancer patients with bone metastases.利用机器学习预测skeletal-related事件在癌症骨
estimation of the stapes-bone thickness in stapedotomy surgical procedure using a machine l.pdf
estimation of the stapes-bone thickness in stapedotomy surgical procedure using a machine l
superior fixation of machine-made bone pegs over handmade bone pegs.pdf
superior fixation of machine-made bone pegs over handmade bone pegs
a support vector machine for 3d texture-based classification of bone in ct images.pdf
a support vector machine for 3d texture-based classification of bone in ct images
Bone Segmentation on MRI Scans - Machine learning.pdf
Bone Segmentation on MRI Scans - Machine learning

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