- 植物学硕博毕业论文 - 萝芙木(Rauvolfia+verticillata(Lour)Baill)毛状根外源基因表达系统的建立.
海南萝芙木Rauvolfia verticillata LourBaillVarhainanensis Tsiang清热解毒作用及其药效物质的研究论文.pdf
- 海南萝芙木Rauvolfia verticillata LourBaillVarhainanensis Tsiang清热解毒作用及其药效物质的研究论文作用,帮助,海南萝芙木,Lour,Baill,萝芙木,清热解毒,清热解毒汤,清热解毒茶,清热解毒片
萝芙木(Rauvolfia verticillata(Lour)Baill)毛状根外源基因表达系统的建立.pdf
- 萝芙木(Rauvolfia verticillata(Lour)Baill)毛状根外源基因表达系统的建立毛,帮助,Baill,萝芙木,状根的,基因的,萝芙木茶,外源融资
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ISSR analysis reveals high intraspecific variation in Rauvolfia serpentina L..pdf
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Indole alkaloids from the Marquesan plant Rauvolfia nukuhivensis and their effects on ion channels.pdf
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assessment of genetic fidelity in rauvolfia serpentina plantlets grown from synthetic (encapsulated) seeds following in vitro storage at 4 。c.pdf
- assessment of genetic fidelity in rauvolfia serpentina plantlets grown from synthetic (encapsulated) seeds following in vitro storage at 4 °c
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Five new indole alkaloids from the leaves of Rauvolfia yunnanensis.pdf
- Five new indole alkaloids from the leaves of Rauvolfia yunnanensis