Revival of the Kondo effect.pdf
Revival of the Kondo effectRevival of the Kondo effectRevival of the Kondo effect
08. Revival - Stephen King.epub
08. Revival - Stephen King08. Revival - Stephen King08. Revival - Stephen King
Revival of the magnetoelectric effect.pdf
contenthas been downloaded from IOPscience. Please scroll down fulltext.Download details:IP Address:
The revival of shelf-registered corporate equity offerings.pdf
We report that traditional seasoned equity offerings (SEOs) are no longer firms preferred choice for raising seasoned public equity. Traditional offerings have recently been surpassed by shelf- registered offerings in terms of both annual frequency and total capital raised. This represents a dramatic shift from the 1980s, during which the overwhelming majority of firms favored traditional over shelf-registered offerings. We find that the growth in shelf use is related to firms increasingly valuing and using the option feature of shelf registration to defer or abandon offerings. Moreover, the evidence indicates that the way firms now use shelf offerings resolves the shelf under- certification problem and results in smaller market penalties and lower underwriter fees relative to non-shelf offerings. Finally, firms often use universal shelf filings and choose between debt and equity offerings based on the prevailing relative market conditions.
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Bai Xianyong: Dedicated to the Revival of Kunqu Opera.pdf
Bai Xianyong: Dedicated to the Revival of Kunqu Opera
Bowling alone The collapse and revival of American community.pdf
Bowling alone The collapse and revival of American communityBowling alone The collapse and revival of American communityBowling alone The collapse and revival of American community

