Stable suspensions of partially silylated cellulose whiskers dispersed in organic solvents.pdf
Stable suspensions of partially silylated cellulose whiskers dispersed in organic solventsStable suspensions of partially silylated cellulose whiskers dispersed in organic solventsStable suspensions of partially silylated cellulose whiskers dispersed in organic solvents
Alkylated and silylated β-cyclodextrin for gas chromatographic chiral stationary phases.pdf
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Addition of silylated nucleophiles to alpha-oxoketenes.增加甲烷硅基化的亲核试剂alpha-oxoketenes
epoxysilanes as substrates in regio- and stereo-specific synthesis of silylated γ-hydroxyphosphane oxides, precursors of stereo.doc
epoxysilanes as substrates in regio- and stereo-specific synthesis of silylated γ-hydroxyphosphane oxides, precursors of stereo
Silylated carbodiimides in molecular and extended structures.pdf
Silylated carbodiimides in molecular and extended structures

