Hydrogeochemical modeling (KIRMAT) of spring and deep borehole water compositions in the small granitic Ringelbach catchment (Vosges Mountains, France).pdf
Hydrogeochemical modeling (KIRMAT) of spring and deep borehole water compositions in the small granitic Ringelbach catchment (Vosges Mountains, France)
The telomere attrition rate is not accelerated in women born small for gestational age_A birth cohort studyGene[2016]AS, de Melo, RM, Reis, R, do.pdf
The telomere attrition rate is not accelerated in women born small for gestational age_A birth cohort studyGene[2016]AS, de Melo, RM, Reis, R, do ,is,in,the,The,rate,not,FOR,inthe, The
relations between the know-how of small-scale facilities and the sensory diversity of traditional dry sausages from the massif central in france.pdf
relations between the know-how of small-scale facilities and the sensory diversity of traditional dry sausages from the massif central in france
long-term changes in wood density and radial growth of lt;small gt; quercus petraea lt;small gt; liebl. in northern france since the middle of the nineteenth century.pdf
long-term changes in wood density and radial growth of
3D structural modelling of small-deformations in poly-phase faults pattern. Application to the Mid-Cretaceous Durance uplift, Provence (SE France).pdf
3D structural modelling of small-deformations in poly-phase faults pattern. Application to the Mid-Cretaceous Durance uplift, Provence (SE France)
cost-effectiveness of atezolizumab versus docetaxel and nivolumab in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer as a second line in france.[2020][.pdf
cost-effectiveness of atezolizumab versus docetaxel and nivolumab in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer as a second line in france.[2020][
IGF I and growth responses during the first year of growth hormone treatment in KIGS patients with idiopathic growth hormone deficiency, acquired growth hormone deficiency, turner syndrome and born small for gestational age..pdf
IGF I and growth responses during the first year of growth hormone treatment in KIGS patients with idiopathic growth hormone deficiency, acquired growth hormone deficiency, turner syndrome and born small for gestational age.IGF I and growth responses during the first year of growth hormone treatment in KIGS patients with idiopathic growth hormone deficiency, acquired growth hormone deficiency, turner syndrome and born small for gestational age.IGF I and growth responses during the first year of growth hormone treatment in KIGS patients with idiopathic growth hormone deficiency, acquired growth hormone deficiency, turner syndrome and born small for gestational age.

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