rfc1113.Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail Part I -- Message Encipherment and Authenti.pdf
internet privacy enhancement sap enhancement speech enhancement yield enhancement edge enhancement detail enhancement enhancement point self enhancement abap enhancement
mass-spectrometry-based food metabolomics in routine applications_ a basic standardization approach using housekeeping metabolites for the authenti.pdf
mass-spectrometry-based food metabolomics in routine applications_ a basic standardization approach using housekeeping metabolites for the authenti
06.12.7)] 2006 seventh international conference on parallel and distributed computing, applications and technologies (pdcat´06) - generalized unsolicited tests for authenti...pdf
GeneralizedUnsolicited Tests AuthenticationProtocol AnalysisYongjian Li1,2 †Jun Pang31Chinese Academ
ernational conference on parallel and distributed computing, applications and technologies (pdcat´06) - stream-based implementation of hash functions for multi-gigabit message authenti...pdf
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12.1)] 2011 international conference on user science and engineering (i-user ) - comparing the usability of doodle and mikon images to be used as authenticators in graphical authenti...pdf
12.1)] 2011 international conference on user science and engineering (i-user ) - comparing the usability of doodle and mikon images to be used as authenticators in graphical authentication systems
proceedings. ieee 8th international workshops on enabling technologies infrastructure for collaborative enterprises (wet ice´99) - incremental analysis and verification of authenti...pdf
proceedings. ieee 8th international workshops on enabling technologies infrastructure for collaborative enterprises (wet ice´99) - incremental analysis and verification of authentication protocols

