a cryptic species produced by autopolyploidy and subsequent introgression involving medicago prostrata (fabaceae).神秘的物种产生的同源多倍性和随后的基因渗入涉及medicag.pdf
a cryptic species produced by autopolyploidy and subsequent introgression involving medicago prostrata (fabaceae).神秘的物种产生的同源多倍性和随后的基因渗入涉及medicag
Mechanical shock during egg de-adhesion and post-ovulatory ageing contribute to spontaneous autopolyploidy in white sturgeon culture (Acipenser transmontanus).pdf
Mechanical shock during egg de-adhesion and post-ovulatory ageing contribute to spontaneous autopolyploidy in white sturgeon culture (Acipenser transmontanus)
[PDF] Evolutionary dynamics of retrotransposons following autopolyploidy in the Buckler Mustard species.pdf
[PDF] Evolutionary dynamics of retrotransposons following autopolyploidy in the Buckler Mustard species[PDF] Evolutionary dynamics of retrotransposons following autopolyploidy in the Buckler Mustard species[PDF] Evolutionary dynamics of retrotransposons following autopolyploidy in the Buckler Mustard species
The marbled crayfish as a paradigm for saltational speciation by autopolyploidy and parthenogenesis in animals.pdf
The marbled crayfish as a paradigm for saltational speciation by autopolyploidy and parthenogenesis in animals
low genetic diversity and allozymic evidence for autopolyploidy in the tetraploid pyrenean endemic larkspur delphinium montanum (ranunculaceae).pdf
low genetic diversity and allozymic evidence for autopolyploidy in the tetraploid pyrenean endemic larkspur delphinium montanum (ranunculaceae)
同源多倍体化效应研究进展 research advances on consequence of autopolyploidy.pdf
同源多倍体化效应研究进展 research advances on consequence of autopolyploidy
autopolyploidy leads to rapid genomic changes in arabidopsis thaliana.[2017][theory biosci][10.1007s12064-017-0252-3].pdf
autopolyploidy leads to rapid genomic changes in arabidopsis thaliana.[2017][theory biosci][10.1007s12064-017-0252-3]

