Mantle Plumes and Flood Basalts,1995.pdf
Mantle Plumes and Flood Basalts (地幔柱与玄武岩)
Aluminum-in-olivine thermometry of primitive basalts Evidence of an anomalously hot mantle source for large igneous provinces.pdf
Aluminum-in-olivine thermometry of primitive basalts Evidence of an anomalously hot mantle source for large igneous provinces
Dissolution of basalts and peridotite in seawater, in the presence of ligands, and CO2 Implications for mineral sequestration of carbon dioxide.pdf
Dissolution of basalts and peridotite in seawater, in the presence of ligands, and CO2 Implications for mineral sequestration of carbon dioxide
Age and petrogenesis of Anisian magnesian alkali basalts and their genetic association with the Kafang stratiform Cu deposit in the Gejiu supergiant tin-polymetallic district, SW China.pdf
Age and petrogenesis of Anisian magnesian alkali basalts and their genetic association with the Kafang stratiform Cu deposit in the Gejiu supergiant tin-polymetallic district, SW China
Temperatures and Hsub class=a-plus-plus2subO contents of low-MgO high-alumina basalts.pdf
Temperatures and Hsub class=a-plus-plus2subO contents of low-MgO high-alumina basalts
Platinum-group element geochemistry of Cenozoic basalts from the North China Craton Implications for mantle heterogeneity.pdf
Platinum-group element geochemistry of Cenozoic basalts from the North China Craton Implications for mantle heterogeneity
Basalts of the North Fiji Basin the generation of back arc basin magmas by mixing of depleted and enriched mantle sources.pdf
CompoundAbsorbersSound absorbers, except simple porous layers, compoundabsorbers, i.e. consistofelem
Two-component mantle melting-mixing model for the generation of mid-ocean ridge basalts implications for the volatile content of the Pacific upper mantle.pdf
Two-component mantle melting-mixing model for the generation of mid-ocean ridge basalts implications for the volatile content of the Pacific upper mantle

