Analysis of Intestinal Flora Development in Breast-Fed and Formula-Fed Infants by Using Molecular Identification and Detection Methods.pdf
PediatricGastroenterology Nutrition:January2000 Volume30 pp61-67Original ArticlesAn Deve lop me st-F
changes in growth and metabolism in very low birthweight infants fed with fortified breast milk.pdf
changes in growth and metabolism in very low birthweight infants fed with fortified breast milk
Late Postnatal Transmission of HIV-1 in Breast-Fed :在母乳喂养HIV-1产后传播.ppt
Late Postnatal Transmission of HIV-1 in Breast-Fed :在母乳喂养HIV-1产后传播of,in,产后,Late,HIV1,HIV,母乳传播,母乳喂养,late,在母乳喂养
lesson30 experts say babies should be fed only breast milk for the first six months 试题.doc
lesson30 experts say babies should be fed only breast milk for the first six months 试题
Metabolic phenotype of breast-fed infants, and infants fed standard formula or bovine MFGM supplemented formula a randomized controlled trial.pdf
Metabolic phenotype of breast-fed infants, and infants fed standard formula or bovine MFGM supplemented formula a randomized controlled trial
glycine supplementation to breast-fed piglets attenuates post-weaning jejunal epithelial apoptosis_ a functional role of chop signaling.[2018][amin.pdf
3AminoAcids doi.org/10.1007/s00726-018-2681-9ORIGINAL ARTICLEGlycine supplementation tobreas
The Fecal Microbial Community of Breast-fed Infants from Armenia and Georgia(亚美尼亚和格鲁吉亚的母乳喂养婴儿的粪便微生物群落).pdf
The Fecal Microbial Community of Breast-fed Infants from Armenia and Georgia(亚美尼亚和格鲁吉亚的母乳喂养婴儿的粪便微生物群落)
Breast-fed low birth weight premature infants A description….pdf
Breast-fed low birth weight premature infants A description…
microrna profiling of gastric content from breast-fed and formula-fed infants to estimate last feeding_ a pilot study.[2019][int j legal med].pdf
microrna profiling of gastric content from breast-fed and formula-fed infants to estimate last feeding_ a pilot study.[2019][int j legal med]

