2001 锂离子电池专业文献 美国麻省理工大学 G. Ceder Li diffusion mechanisms in layered intercalation compounds.pdf
- Lithiumdiffusion mechanisms layeredintercalation compoundsA. Van der Ven*, G. CederDepartment Materi
2004 锂离子电池专业文献 美国麻省理工大学 G. Ceder Ordering in Lix(Ni0.5Mn0.5)O2 and its relation to charge capacity and electrochemical behavior in r...pdf
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2007 锂离子电池专业文献 美国麻省理工大学 G. Ceder The influence of preparation conditions on electrochemical properties of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 thin film electrodes by PLD.pdf
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2003 锂离子电池专业文献 美国麻省理工大学 G. Ceder Experimental and computational study of the structure and electrochemical properties of monoclinic LixM2(PO4)3 compounds.pdf
- computationalstudy structureandelectrochemical properties monoclinicLixM2(PO4)3compoundsD.Morgana,*,
2005 锂离子电池专业文献 美国麻省理工大学 G. Ceder Thermodynamics of spinel LixTiO2 from first principles.pdf
- spinelLixTiO2from first principlesM. Wagemakera,*, A. Van Der Venb, D. Morganc, G. Cederb,F.M. Mulder
2006 锂离子电池专业文献 美国麻省理工大学 G. Ceder Li diffusion in LiCoO2 thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition.pdf
- PowerSources 159 (2006) 1422–1427Li diffusion LiCoO2thinfilms prepared pulsedlaser depositionHui Xiaa
2006 锂离子电池专业文献 美国麻省理工大学 G. Ceder Substrate effect on the microstructure and electrochemical properties of LiCoO2 thin films grown by PLD.pdf
- Compounds417 (2006) 304–310Substrate effect LiCoO2thinfilms grown PLDHuiXiaa, Li Lua,b,, G. Cedera,ca
2003 锂离子电池专业文献 美国麻省理工大学 G. Ceder First-principles calculations on LixNiO2 phase stability and monoclinic distortion.pdf
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1998 锂离子电池专业文献 美国麻省理工大学 G. Ceder The electrochemical stability of lithium-metal oxides against metal reduction.pdf
- 美国MIT Ceder小组之锂电力作
2004 nature materials VOL 3 SEPTEMBER 2004 美国MIT G. CEDER LixCoO2中一阶莫特迁移 A first-order Mott transition in LixCoO2.pdf
- 锂离子,新能源,动力电池,研究报告,Nature