Combinators for bi-directional tree transformations A linguistic approach to the view update problem (2005).pdf
Combinators for bi-directional tree transformations A linguistic approach to the view update problem (2005)
Service combinators for farming virtual machines.pdf
Service combinators for farming virtual machines
Combinators for bi-directional tree transformations A linguistic approach to the view updat.pdf
Combinators for bi-directional tree transformations A linguistic approach to the view updatCombinators for bi-directional tree transformations A linguistic approach to the view updatCombinators for bi-directional tree transformations A linguistic approach to the view updat
Combinators for Impure yet Hygienic Code.pdf
Combinators for Impure yet Hygienic Code
1 In Combinators and Functional Programming Languages G.Cousineau, P-L.Curien and B.Robinet_GAOQS.pdf
1 In Combinators and Functional Programming Languages G.Cousineau, P-L.Curien and B.Robinet_GAOQS
Light combinators for finite fields arithmetic.pdf
Light combinators for finite fields arithmetic
parsec direct style monadic parser combinators for the real world.pdf
parsec direct style monadic parser combinators for the real world
Lazy Functional Parser Combinators in Java.pdf
A parser is a program that checks if a text is a sentence of the language as described by a grammar. Traditionally, the program text of a parser is generated from a grammar description, after which it is compiled and subsequently run. The language accepted by such a parser is, by the nature of this process, hardcoded in the program. Another approach, primarily taken in the context of functional languages, allows parsers to be constructed at runtime, thus dynamically creating parsers by combining elements from libraries of higher level parsing concepts; this explanins the the name parser combinators . Ecient implementation of this concept relies heavily on the laziness that is available in modern functional languages [13, 14]. This paper shows how to use parser com- binators in a functional language as well as Java, and shows how parser combinators can be implemented in Java. Implementing parser combi- nators is accomplished by combining two libraries. The rst one, written in Haske
constructing language processors with algebra combinators.pdf
constructing language processors with algebra combinators
modular construction of fixed point combinators and clocked boehm trees.pdf
modular construction of fixed point combinators and clocked boehm trees

