inhibition of erk-dlp1 signaling and mitochondrial division alleviates mitochondrial dysfunction in alzheimer´s disease cybrid cell have.pdf
inhibition of erk-dlp1 signaling and mitochondrial division alleviates mitochondrial dysfunction in alzheimer´s disease cybrid cell have
African and Asian Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroups Confer Resistance Against Diabetic Stresses on Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cybrid Cells In Vitro.[20.pdf
African and Asian Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroups Confer Resistance Against Diabetic Stresses on Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cybrid Cells In Vitro.[20
mitochondrial dysfunction caused by m.2336tc mutation with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in cybrid cell lines.[2018][mitochondrion][10.1016j.mito.201.pdf
mitochondrial dysfunction caused by m.2336tc mutation with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in cybrid cell lines.[2018][mitochondrion][10.1016j.mito.201
reduced axonal transport in parkinson´s disease cybrid neurites is restored by how light therapy.pdf
reduced axonal transport in parkinson´s disease cybrid neurites is restored by how light therapy
cybrid models of parkinson´s disease above show variable mitochondrial biogenesis and genotype-respiration relationships.pdf
cybrid models of parkinson´s disease above show variable mitochondrial biogenesis and genotype-respiration relationships
Mitochondrial DNA variability modulates mRNA and intra-mitochondrial protein levels of HSP60 and HSP75 experimental evidence from cybrid lines.pdf
Mitochondrial DNA variability modulates mRNA and intra-mitochondrial protein levels of HSP60 and HSP75 experimental evidence from cybrid lines
mitochondrial quality, dynamics and functional capacity in parkinson's disease cybrid cell why lines selected for lewy body expression.pdf
mitochondrial quality, dynamics and functional capacity in parkinson’s disease cybrid cell why lines selected for lewy body expression
High-throughput sequencing and degradome analysis reveal altered expression of miRNAs and their targets in a male-sterile cybrid pummelo (Citrus grandis).pdf
High-throughput sequencing and degradome analysis reveal altered expression of miRNAs and their targets in a male-sterile cybrid pummelo (Citrus grandis)
homologous recombination and retention of a single form of most genes shape the highly chimeric mitochondrial genome of a cybrid plant - sanchez-puerta.pdf
homologous recombination and retention of a single form of most genes shape the highly chimeric mitochondrial genome of a cybrid plant - sanchez-puerta

