Identification of Novel Chromosomal Aberrations Induced by 60Co-γ-Irradiation in Wheat-Dasypyrum villosum Lines.pdf
Identification of Novel Chromosomal Aberrations Induced by 60Co-γ-Irradiation in Wheat-Dasypyrum villosum Lines
Alien chromosome segment from Aegilops speltoides and Dasypyrum villosum increases drought tolerance in wheat via profuse and deep root system.pdf
Alien chromosome segment from Aegilops speltoides and Dasypyrum villosum increases drought tolerance in wheat via profuse and deep root system
oligonucleotides and nd-fish displaying different arrangements of tandem repeats and identification of dasypyrum villosum chromosomes in wheat back.pdf
oligonucleotides and nd-fish displaying different arrangements of tandem repeats and identification of dasypyrum villosum chromosomes in wheat back
development and comparative genomic mapping of dasypyrum villosum 6v4s-specific pcr markers using transcriptome data.[2017][theor appl genet][10.10.pdf
development and comparative genomic mapping of dasypyrum villosum 6v4s-specific pcr markers using transcriptome data.[2017][theor appl genet][10.10
SCAR markers that discriminate between Dasypyrum species and cytotypes.pdf
SCAR markers that discriminate between Dasypyrum species and cytotypes
a novel robertsonian translocation event leads to transfer of a stem rust resistance gene (sr52) effective against race ug99 from dasypyrum villosum into bread wheat(500.24kb).pdf
a novel robertsonian translocation event leads to transfer of a stem rust resistance gene (sr52) effective against race ug99 from dasypyrum villosum into bread wheat(500.24kb)
Flow Sorting and Molecular Cytogenetic Identification of Individual Chromosomes of Dasypyrum villosum L. (H. villosa) by a Single DNA Probe.doc
Flow Sorting and Molecular Cytogenetic Identification of Individual Chromosomes of Dasypyrum villosum L. (H. villosa) by a Single DNA Probe

