deacetylated konjac glucomannan is less effective in reducing dietary-induced hyperlipidemia and hepatic steatosis in c57bl_6 mice.[2017][j agric food.pdf
deacetylated konjac glucomannan is less effective in reducing dietary-induced hyperlipidemia and hepatic steatosis in c57bl_6 mice.[2017][j agric food
high strength gelatin-based nanocomposites reinforced by surface-deacetylated chitin nanofiber networks.[2018][carbohydr polym][10.1016j.carbpol.20.pdf
high strength gelatin-based nanocomposites reinforced by surface-deacetylated chitin nanofiber networks.[2018][carbohydr polym][10.1016j.carbpol.20
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effects of high pressure processing on gelation properties and molecular forces of myosin containing deacetylated konjac glucomannan (2019).[10.101
The production of fully deacetylated chitosan by compression method.pdf
The production of fully deacetylated chitosan by compression method
homozygosity for an allele encoding deacetylated foxo1 protects macrophages from cholesterol-induced inflammation without increasing so apoptosis.pdf
homozygosity for an allele encoding deacetylated foxo1 protects macrophages from cholesterol-induced inflammation without increasing so apoptosis
lignin sulfonation and so2 addition enhance the hydrolyzability of deacetylated and then steam-pretreated poplar with reduced inhibitor formation.[.pdf
lignin sulfonation and so2 addition enhance the hydrolyzability of deacetylated and then steam-pretreated poplar with reduced inhibitor formation.[

