Ligand Desolvation in Molecular Docking (How, Why, and With What)(分子对接中的配体去溶剂化(方法,原因和方法)).pdf
Ligand Desolvation in Molecular Docking (How, Why, and With What)(分子对接中的配体去溶剂化(方法,原因和方法))
The Origins of Femtomolar Protein-Ligand Binding Hydrogen Bond Cooperativity and Desolvation Energetics in the Biotin-(Strept)Avidin Binding Site.pdf
The Origins of Femtomolar Protein–Ligand Binding Hydrogen Bond Cooperativity and Desolvation Energetics in the Biotin–(Strept)Avidin Binding Site
Polar Desolvation and Position 226 of Pancreatic and Neutrophil Elastases Are Crucial to their Affinity for the Kunitz-Type Inhibitors ShPI-1 and ShPI-1K13L.pdf
Polar Desolvation and Position 226 of Pancreatic and Neutrophil Elastases Are Crucial to their Affinity for the Kunitz-Type Inhibitors ShPI-1 and ShPI-1K13L
a finite deformation theory of desolvation and swelling in partially photo-cross-linked polymer networks for 3d4d printing applications.[2019][soft.pdf
a finite deformation theory of desolvation and swelling in partially photo-cross-linked polymer networks for 3d4d printing applications.[2019][soft

