exploring the possibility of transforming food crops for salinity tolerance using the tmt gene encoding thiol methyltransferase enzyme.pdf
transformingfood crops salinitytolerance using TMTgene encoding thiol methyltransferase enzyme Arsha
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biallelic mutations in usp45, encoding a deubiquitinating enzyme, are associated with leber congenital amaurosis.[2018][j med genet][10.1136jmedgen.pdf
biallelic mutations in usp45, encoding a deubiquitinating enzyme, are associated with leber congenital amaurosis.[2018][j med genet][10.1136jmedgen
role of the xyla gene, encoding a cell wall degrading enzyme, during common wheat, durum wheat and barley colonization by fusarium graminearum.[201.pdf
Contentslists available ScienceDirectFungalGenetics Biologyjournalhomepage: /locate/
The over-expression of a chrysanthemum gene encoding an RNA polymerase II CTD phosphatase-like 1 enzyme enhances tolerance to heat stress.pdf
The over-expression of a chrysanthemum gene encoding an RNA polymerase II CTD phosphatase-like 1 enzyme enhances tolerance to heat stressThe over-expression of a chrysanthemum gene encoding an RNA polymerase II CTD phosphatase-like 1 enzyme enhances tolerance to heat stressThe over-expression of a chrysanthemum gene encoding an RNA polymerase II CTD phosphatase-like 1 enzyme enhances tolerance to heat stress
Mutations in STAMBP, encoding a deubiquitinating enzyme, cause Microcephaly-Capillary Malformation syndrome.pdf
Mutations in STAMBP, encoding a deubiquitinating enzyme, cause Microcephaly-Capillary Malformation syndrome

